Why Is It Important to Be in the Know about a New Roof?

Roof replacement merits importance since a new roof helps fortify your home’s structural integrity, so its fit and form must be consistent with the metrics of your roof’s slope, design, and so forth. However, that’s the condensed version. There are also materials, pricing, warranties, etc.

In other words, you need to be in the know about a roof replacement.

That said, let’s get to some of the FAQs about a new roof.

When do I need a new roof?

Roof replacement is a huge investment and not one you should put off. Failing to replace your roof when the time has come can result in thousands of dollars in home repairs as a result of structural damage.

Here are a few signs to look for to recognize that it’s time for a new roof:

  • There are wet spots on your ceiling, in the attic, or in crawl spaces.
  • The chimney’s masonry has begun to disintegrate.
  • Shingles are curled, buckling, broken or even missing.
  • Shingles are blistering.
  • Shingles are badly aging and missing granules.
  • There are signs of roof rot, for example, a spongy feeling when you walk on it.
  • There is water backup in the eaves.

The bottom line: you really need to hire a professional roofer to inspect your roof thoroughly for signs that it’s time to replace it. Even if you don’t see any signs of damage, a roof that’s too old is most likely prone to breakdowns. The roofing experts at Schultheis Brothers will provide honest, straightforward advice about when it’s time to replace your roof.

Can I get my roof repaired rather than a new installation?

This will totally depend on the current condition of your roof. The roofing professionals at Schultheis Brothers will inspect your roof to determine if the problem can be solved by repair.

If repair is not a viable solution, you need to get a new roof. Trust us, you’ll want to invest in a high-quality new roof for your house.

What steps are involved in a roof replacement?

Know the process and be prepared for when it’s time for a new roof:

  • Your present roof will be inspected. If you need a new roof, your old roofing material will be removed and disposed of.
  • If any repairs are required under your old roofing, they will be performed.
  • Your new roofing system will be installed with precision.
  • Your yard will be cleaned so there are no nails or debris that could result in an accident or injury.
  • Your new roof will have its “final inspection,” making sure it was installed properly.

How much does a new roof cost?

Every roof is different, so every roof costs a different amount. When considering the price of a new roof, roofing contractors will take a number of aspects into consideration: size, old roof removal, style, shape, materials, and other elements such as chimneys, skylights, and vents that need to be worked around.

Again, a roof replacement is a big investment, and giving a quote without inspecting each unique situation would not be in a customer’s best interest. However, once a price is determined, there are plenty of ways to finance a new roof, making paying for it stress-free and affordable.

How do I choose the right contractor?

Once it’s been decided that you need a new roof, the next crucial decision you need to make is your choice of a contractor. You need to find a trusted roofing company to keep away from any scams and to get the most out of your money. As mentioned, a new roof isn’t a small investment – and the right contractor can provide an enjoyable, worthwhile experience and a roof that will last for years without concerns.

You might want to ask around. Ask family and friends for suggestions or post the question on social media. Word of mouth is one of the more dependable ways to judge the integrity of a roofing contractor. After all, you’re talking to people who have already worked with the company. Also, look at the roofers’ reviews and testimonials from prior customers.

You should also investigate the company itself. Search for positive ratings with the Better Business Bureau and proper licensing and insurance. A contractor without these accreditations or one that simply won’t show you their licensing is most likely a scam artist, or at least not the best quality contractor out there.

After natural disasters or large damaging storms, fly-by-night roofers come out of the woodwork. These roofers will show up at your door with a van and promise you the world. Don’t fall for these tricks. It’s always best to choose an established, local roofing contractor to perform the work. This will ensure who to turn to if you encounter problems.

We invite you to contact the experts at Schultheis Brothers to provide you with all the essential information and certifications.

How long will it take to get my new roof installed?

When you meet with your contractor before timetabling your roof replacement, request a timeline for the project. The weather, your choice of roofing material, the size of the roofing crew, the architectural features of your home, how easy it is to access your roof, and your home’s size all factor into an installation timeline.

In general, however, most roof replacements should take about a day or two.

Do I need to do anything to prepare for a new roof installation?

If roof replacement is in order, there are a couple of steps you should take for a smoother process. First, remove loose items from your walls or shelves. Hammering on your roof can occasionally produce sufficient vibration to cause unsecured items to fall.

Clear your driveway and adjacent areas as much as possible as there’s a chance that roofing materials could also fall. Your contractor will also welcome the extra space for work vehicles and equipment.

Schultheis Brothers completes most roofing jobs quickly with minimal interruption to your life. They will also take care of the cleanup – you only need to sit back and enjoy your new roof.

Can I put a new roof on an old roof?

Many people ask if they can save money by having their new roof installed over their old one. As a homeowner, it’s reasonable to want to save money where you can, particularly if your replacement isn’t covered by any insurance.

Yes, a common practice to keep costs down is to reroof over your existing roof rather than tearing off the old one. However, if you already have several layers on your roof, you’ll have to remove them. Putting down a third layer of shingles isn’t advisable because this will increase the weight on your roof, placing added stress on the underlying support. Moreover, it’s against building codes in some areas to add that third layer.

It’s also hard for a roofing crew to get a complete picture of all the problems a roof is having without looking at the roof deck, which is another reason most contractors recommend removing the present roofing materials.

Can I replace my roof myself?

While some home projects can be “DIYs” and turn out just great, roofing is definitely not one of them. Each year, more than 6,000 Americans die from falls in the home, many of which are the result of tumbles off roofs and ladders while performing repairs or routine maintenance, making it one of the most dangerous DIY projects you can ever attempt. Moreover, you might be breaching your roof’s current warranty or doing the work incorrectly, resulting in costly repairs and replacements down the road.

Not to mention, a one-man roof replacement job contrasted with an experienced team of professional roofers assures a much higher threat of mismatched shingles, holes, and other concerns with the aesthetics and quality of your roof.

How long will my new roof last?

A newly installed roof has a lengthy lifespan given the proper attention and maintenance. However, even the best quality roofing systems have an expiration date. Typically, 20 years is an acceptable lifespan for a new roof.

Your roof’s longevity, in no small part, will be determined by the composition of the chosen roofing material. Add to this a number of confounding variables such as weather and the foundational strength of your home that can also affect your roof’s lifespan. Keep in mind that while good, durable materials may demand a higher upfront cost, they pay for themselves in the long run.

What is the best time to replace a roof?

While there is no formal “roofing season” and roofers work all year round, summer, and fall are typically busier periods for many roofing contractors. Circumstances such as snow, rain, and ice can affect how quickly roofers can safely and efficiently get a roof replacement job done, which is why dryer, warmer months are when most people opt to get their roofs replaced.

However, replacing your roof in the winter or early spring could result in a quicker installation due to more availability and less demand.

What are the options and choices for a new roof installation?

Roofs come in all shapes and sizes with roofing materials that are multicolored and multipurpose. It’s your roof, you own it, you decide what it looks like.

Consult with a professional at Schultheis Brothers before making a final decision.

I’m considering selling my home. Should I get a new roof if needed?

According to Better Homes and Gardens, a monstrous 40 percent of a home’s curb appeal is due to the condition and aesthetic of the roof. When selling your home, if your roof is in bad shape or in need of major repairs or replacement, you’ll most likely have a lot of trouble getting people to bid on it. Moreover, home buyers may not be able to obtain a mortgage on a home with an expired roof, and the expense of putting on a roof might scare them away. A lot of buyers are on a budget and simply don’t want to spend money on major repairs after just purchasing a house.

If you know it’s going to be an issue but can’t afford to put the new roof on without first selling the home, speak to your agent about ways to negotiate the price of the roof into the sale of the home.

What is the best thing I can do to ensure my new roof lasts as long as possible?

Regular visual self-inspections and annual professional roof inspections are vital to a homeowner. As we’ve seen, a small problem can become a major issue if not dealt with right away. Such regular inspections allow you to perform minor repairs before they become bigger projects, such as a small leak becoming a major leak or a mold problem.

What’s the verdict?

As we’ve seen, roof replacement is a home improvement project that presents a variety of questions to be answered, and as a consequence, it can be a challenge to wrap your brain around it. Hopefully, this list of FAQs can help in your quest for answers to your uppermost roof concerns.

As long as you follow these tips, you should know the gist of roof replacement and what to expect. Like most anything new, be it for your house, car, or whatever, always read up.

If you have any further questions, never hesitate in asking a pro at Schultheis Brothers to guide you. Err on the side of caution, 100 percent!