Fall has arrived, is your furnace cold weather ready?

Now is the time of the year that you should be thinking of having routine maintenance performed on your furnace to ensure you will have uninterrupted heat for the cold months ahead. 

Routine maintenance on your furnace is essential, and at Schultheis Bros, we will not sell you something you don’t need.

Every home heating system gathers dust, dirt, and other debris that affect the performance and efficiency. The effects are high utility bills, poor air flow, and costly repairs.

Routine Furnace Maintenance prevents unexpected breakdowns and costly repairs.

Here is a list of reasons routine maintenance is so important to the efficiency of your furnace and the safety of your home:

Lower Energy Bills and Improves Energy Efficiency

A well-tuned furnace will be more efficient, and use less energy. Some studies show that routine maintenance can save up to 30% – simple things like changing your filters increase the savings and help keep your home at the desired temperature without high energy bills. Changing the filter also maintains proper air flow, which reduces the likelihood of repairs.

A well maintained furnace will last you much longer, helping you to the the most out of your furnace.

Keeps you safe

Furnaces burn fuel to produce heat. It is important to make sure the combustion process is efficient.Problems in the furnace can result in a gas leak, which is very dangerous. Carbon monoxide, a colorless and odorless gas, leaks can also be produced by a failing furnace and can be difficult to catch without a proper inspection.

Maintains manufacturers’ warranties

Manufacturers now require proof of routine maintenance on all HVAC equipment in order to process warranty claims. Lack of routine maintenance can result in manufacturers’ denying warranty claims, regardless of the age of the system.

Keeps you warm during the winter

Routine maintenance will provide you with the peace of mind that your equipment is ready for the cold winter days.

Schultheis Bros provides the best maintenance programs for homes and businesses

Call today to learn more about our preventative maintenance plans and the benefits contract holders receive – from priority scheduling, discounts on repairs, discount on new equipment, no overtime fees for holidays or weekend calls, and much more. Schultheis Bros has the perfect plan to help keep your HVAC equipment in tip top shape.